Montreal is represented well on Netflix


Embracing the joy that comes after overcoming fear is something Montreal-born actor Juan Grey exemplifies in the work that he does. 

Grey has been an entrepreneur from a young age and is the founder of Pvrpose & other ventures that all have an artistic, mindful & empowering element to them. He acted in a variety of different tv shows and films. He also produced music videos and short films. Overall, Grey has a love for everything creative. But recently, Grey appeared in a show called Deadly Class that quickly jumped to the Top 10 of most watched programs on Netflix Canada.

“Being on set with great actors like Benedict Wong, Henry Rolling, and so many others was amazing,” Juan said in our interview. “They’re all very talented and experienced at their craft. I’m honoured to be part of the cast.”

Deadly Class is centered on a private school in the 1980s’ called Kings Dominion. It is a training ground for the world’s top crime families to send their children to study the dark arts. The nature of the story makes one question the psychology of character development when you watch it. And that’s exactly what Grey loves about being a performer. 

“I’m passionate about human behavior and the reason we do the things that we do,” Juan said. “For me, it comes down to belief systems, traumas, baggage, the environment, and all kinds of other things that guide us to make the decisions we make.” 

“Some people fall into vicious cycles because of that, but some also find their purpose. Having the ability to understand and step into somebody else’s shoes is my driving force.” 

Grey’s mentality in the entertainment industry led to great results. It’s an energy that shined through the more he talked about being in the present, doing things that scare him most, and the runner’s high he gets every time he’s on a film set. 

Despite this, however, Grey’s advice to others hoping to achieve his level of success comes from a genuine place. 

“Grab a piece of paper, a pen, and find a quiet room. Then ask yourself these questions: why do I truly want to be an actor? What does a big break mean to me? How much joy will it bring me? You have to do a little soul searching. You need to find out what your joy is within the fear because it can be a scary process. Don’t do it for fame or money.” 

Undoubtedly, Grey chased his dreams, kept grounded, and made it on a show like Deadly Class. Thanks to him, Montreal talent is represented well on Netflix.